Dr. Martin Degeling

I'm a post-doctoral researcher focussed on black-box auditing of algorithmic systems, usable privacy and security, and data protection. Currently I work as a freelancer, mainly for AI Forensics and ISD. Before that, I spent time work at interface auditing auditing TikTok, doing research at Ruhr-University Bochum and at CMU working on personalized privacy assistant.

You can find a short CV and a list of my publications on Orcid and updates on publications on Google Scholar.

Follow my updates on Mastodon or connect on Linkedin.


since 2024: Researcher AI Forensics, ISD and others.| Freelancing
2022-2024:Stiftung Neue Verantwortung | Expert on auditing recommender systems
2018-2022:Ruhr-University Bochum | Scientific Coordinator
2016-2018: Carnegie Mellon University | Post-Doc
<2016: Ruhr-Uni Bochum | research assistant; data protection office


Mastodon | Twitter | Research Gate | Xing | LinkedIn

Academic Services

I am PC member of the Privacy Enhancing Technology Symposium (PETS) and Publicity Co-Chair for the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2022.

Contact Information

Leuthardtstr. 10 | 44137 Dortmund
martin degeling.com

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